Buying a Book of Business

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Groucho Marx Your business is doing well. So well, that you’re thinking it’s time to expand. One possibility is to slowly continue to build the business by adding customers or clients one at a time. Another possibility is to quickly add new customers or clients by … Read more

Checklist of Buy/Sell Considerations

No two deals are alike. However, it’s useful to at least think about the following items when shaping and negotiating a deal. 1. Finding the buyer or seller    a. Networking, professional and social    b. Competitors    c. Business brokers    d. Investment bankers2. Useful professionals    a. Lawyer    b. Accountant    c. Investment banker    d. Tax advisor3. Before serious negotiations and discussions begin, consider    a. Entering into a confidentiality … Read more

Business Succession

You may have heard of this guy who used to live in my town Montclair, Yogi Berra. Yogi’s famously known for his words of wisdom, including: “You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might get there.” Every business, new and old, needs to know where it’s going. Businesses … Read more

Is Your Operating Agreement Complete?

You and your partners are successfully running your business. After talking to your accountants and lawyers – I am always hopeful – you decided to operate your business as a limited liability company and entered into an LLC operating agreement. This operating agreement governs your relative rights and obligations. I’m fairly certain that your operating … Read more