Isaac Asimov and the Ethics of AI

Isaac Asimov, renowned for his science fiction works, introduced the “Three Laws of Robotics” as cornerstone ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence. These laws have significantly shaped discussions on AI ethics, offering a conceptual framework that continues to influence our understanding of the moral challenges posed by advanced technologies. Asimov’s Three Laws state: These laws have … Read more

AI and Contract Analysis

Contracts are critical components of any M&A deal, governing various aspects such as liabilities, obligations, warranties and intellectual property rights. Analyzing these contracts manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. AI-powered contract analysis tools can offer several advantages in this regard: Efficient Review Process AI algorithms can quickly review large volumes of contracts, including purchase agreements, … Read more

The Different Types of Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence that can create human-like content, from pictures and videos to poetry and even computer code. To achieve this, several different techniques have emerged, mostly evolving over the last decade by building on foundations like deep learning, transformer models and neural networks. All generative AI models rely on data to … Read more

The AI Legacy of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis

When we delve into the history of artificial intelligence, we usually focus on the scientists and engineers who developed the algorithms and hardware that power modern AI systems. However, the cultural foundations that shape our understanding and approach to AI have roots in unexpected places. One such influential figure is Fritz Lang, the visionary Austrian-American … Read more

AI and the IRS

The IRS has a massive volume of tax returns and financial data to analyze each year, making it impractical to manually review every single return for potential issues or discrepancies. AI and machine learning techniques allow the IRS to efficiently sift through this vast amount of data and identify high-risk returns or areas that warrant … Read more

The AI and the Poet

The concept of leveraging artificial intelligence for artistic pursuits like poetry may seem paradoxical at first glance. How could cold, dispassionate algorithms possibly augment one of the most deeply human forms of emotional and creative expression? However, modern AI language models present opportunities for poets to expand their creative horizons in novel ways. Rather than … Read more

US Department of Labor AI Guidelines

The US Department of Labor has issued a Field Assistance Bulletin on Artificial Intelligence and Automated Systems in the Workplace under the Fair Labor Standards Act and Other Federal Labor Standards. The key points in the Bulletin are as follows: In summary, the Field Assistance Bulletin emphasizes that employers cannot abdicate their responsibilities under federal … Read more

AI: Building the Better Mousetrap

Artificial intelligence may seem like an overly complex tool to bring to bear on something like redesigning a paper clip or mousetrap. However, the capabilities of modern AI make it well-suited for this type of product optimization challenge. At its core, AI excels at identifying patterns in data, generating novel ideas based on those patterns … Read more

AI: Large Language Models

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, a new breed of language technology is creating massive waves – large language models or LLMs. These cutting-edge AI systems are redefining the boundaries of what’s possible with machine-generated text. At their core, LLMs utilize machine learning techniques like transformers and self-attention mechanisms to analyze astronomical amounts … Read more

AI and Energy Consumption

While AI offers promising opportunities for energy optimization and environmental benefits, its energy requirements and potential for contributing to greenhouse gas emissions must be carefully considered and addressed through responsible development and policy making. AI energy issues are a major consideration that deserve particular study. The training and operation of AI systems can be extremely … Read more

White House: Fight AI-Enabled Sexual Abuse

In a new call to action, the Biden administration is urging technology companies and other stakeholders to take voluntary measures to curb the rapidly growing issue of image-based sexual abuse, including abusive content generated using artificial intelligence. Recognizing that this form of gender-based violence disproportionately harms women, girls and LGBTQI+ people, the White House is … Read more

AI and Pharma

Artificial Intelligence is poised to transform the pharmaceutical industry in profound ways. From the earliest stages of drug discovery to post-market surveillance, AI offers powerful tools and capabilities that can streamline processes, uncover novel insights and ultimately accelerate the development of safer and more effective medications. One of the most promising applications of AI in … Read more

AI and Targeted Advertising

Leveraging AI for targeted advertising is a powerful tool for small businesses to maximize their marketing impact and reach the right audiences. However, as exciting as this technology is, it must be implemented responsibly and with a strong emphasis on protecting consumer privacy and data rights. Striking the right balance is crucial for building trust … Read more

Another Suit on AI Use of Copyrighted News

A new front has opened up in the ongoing battle between tech giants and content creators. Eight major daily newspapers owned by Alden Global Capital have sued OpenAI and Microsoft, accusing the tech behemoths of illegally using millions of copyrighted news articles to train their AI chatbots, including the ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot. The lawsuit, … Read more

AI is the New Nuclear

In the 20th century, nuclear technology was developed with the hopes of tapping into a powerful new energy source. However, its potential for catastrophic destruction as a weapon of mass destruction was realized with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, devastating the cities and causing immense loss of life. Despite … Read more

AI and Hiring

As the adoption of artificial intelligence continues to grow, its applications in the hiring process have garnered significant attention. While AI promises increased efficiency and objectivity, it’s crucial to recognize the potential pitfalls and drawbacks that come with relying too heavily on this technology. In this blog post, we’ll look at the disadvantages of using … Read more

AI Governance Policy for US Agencies

On March 28, 2024, the White House moved to ensure the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence across the federal government. Vice President Kamala Harris announced the Office of Management and Budget issuance of the first-ever government-wide policy framework to mitigate the risks and harness the benefits of AI systems deployed by federal agencies. … Read more