Alleged Fraud by AI Company

Innodata Inc. is an American company, headquartered in New Jersey, that provides business process, technology and consulting services. A class action lawsuit has been brought against Innodata alleging securities fraud related to misrepresentation of the company’s AI technology and business prospects. The plaintiffs claim that between May 9, 2019, and February 14, 2024, the defendants … Read more

AI: Automating M&A Document Review

AI can automate various aspects of the due diligence process, such as document review, redlining, and contract summarization. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up M&A professionals to focus on higher-value activities, such as strategic analysis and negotiation. I give more particulars below after the video. By automating routine tasks and leveraging AI-driven analytics, M&A … Read more

AI: Thorny Issues of Liability & Accountability

As artificial intelligence increasingly makes high-stakes decisions without direct human intervention, the domains of legal liability and ethical responsibility drift into uncharted territory. From medical diagnoses to judicial sentencing to self-driving vehicle accidents, complex AI systems utilize vast data processing capabilities to take consequential actions autonomously. But who is held accountable when inevitable errors arise, … Read more

AI Training for Lawyers

AI and ethics can walk hand-in-hand. Ever pondered what role artificial intelligence might play in the legal landscape? As technology marches on, AI offers unique opportunities for legal professionals. But training AI isn’t all ones and zeros. Ethical, regulatory, and practical considerations abound. Training AI for legal tasks isn’t a walk in the park. It demands … Read more

A Sonnet on AI Bias by Claude AI

The data trails we leave each dayContain our joys, beliefs, errors of the past.The systems trained on such displayBiases that within were cast. Imprints of preconception live on,As algorithms crunch through unfeeling bits.Creating models that still drawnTo the prejudices found in it. They mirror latent flaws back to us,Mathematizing the biases we’ve made.Garbage in begets … Read more